Health Choice Vermont

Our community coalesced organically, and is comprised of those who have come together out of concern for the health of our children – and their future. In 2011, a study published in Academic Pediatrics that represented 43% of children (32 million) in the US suffers from a chronic health condition. It is our belief that these rates will continue to increase if parents are not aware of the unhealthy choices in their lifestyle such as industrial processed foods, side effects of vaccine choices, and other environmental and lifestyle factors. We want to help Americans understand how to have a healthy lifestyle, return to a state of wellness and promote sound choices for their children.

Our community is a widely diverse group of individuals who stand dedicated to the human rights to informed consent in medical risk taking. We wish to protect consumers by insisting that accurate information be provided, and that people’s rights to choose non-pharmaceutical alternatives are protected. We are medical doctors, scientists, healthcare providers, parents, grandparents, chiropractic doctors, homeopaths, herbalists and others. We are non-partisan.

Health Choice Vermont
Waitsfield, Vermont 05673
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